Ficando em Curitiba

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bichos, Bichos, Bichos

So we woke up this morning to little ants all over our hotel room, tiny tiny ones that get into everything like our suitcases, makeup bags, everything. That was not the greatest thing, but oh well....could have been worse huh?

Today I studied the whole day, just my latin american history class. I only got through 3 chapters of material because the teacher is asking random questions like "what is the author's opinion about peruvian agrarian reform?" The thing is that he never explicitly says, "I think this...or I feel" so I have to really read into his language, his word usage etc. On that quiz i got i think an 80 percent..but i got a D- on one too...hahaha, guess my A I've been keeping thus far wont be there for long! But its okay, only a 3.0 class out of lots so, oh well....I can take another A- I guess.
The class that we are teaching here is good, there are a few non-members with us here so its nice to explain about the church and what exactly I came down here for. I am having fun with them, but learning the art of staying distant from the guys in the class, every time we teach there is always one that is interested in me, haha...that reminds me. So the blind guy from last week is a new convert, and asked if he could look me up on Orkut, which is like a brazilian facebook, so I said yeah...lots of people ask me that. So he did and writes me a comment, "I think you are so beautiful"....I couldnt help but laugh, he is blind! How does he even know? It was funny. But anyway, I've decided to just be like a sister missionary towards the guys because I'm sick of dealing with not giving out my number, not wanting to hang out with them, or giving excuses maybe I wont have that problem for the next 2 weeks...I hope. I dont think I'm super atractive or anything, its just that I'm american and therefore something new and different.
Tomorrow we have nothing to do during the day, which means....more homework. I think I'm going to read some more for my paper and maybe do some of my portuguese homework....I have no idea what grade I have in that class...he never sends me feedback but I'm sure its fine. I hope we can get over to the gym for a bit, i havent been running since we were in londrina, and since it is raining here all day I dont want to do it outside. But Campo Grande is a cool little city with nice people, good good beef...and ants.


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