Ficando em Curitiba

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tomorrow= day of ReSt!

Our class from this week.
Today everything finished with the course, it was good. The people that were there for the most part were people that want to get the perpetual education fund so they were really all that intereseted in getting a job. But for people to get their PEF loans, it is manditory to do the course we teach, hence why they were there.Me teaching about an activity where people have to make their own coat of arms, like the coat of arms I used as an example? It's the symbol of brazil's national soccer team hehehe...
At the beginning I left the chapel to go in search of some chocolate candies to give to our students that voulnteered for things during the week. If I was in Curitiba this would have been a piece of cake for me but since I'm in a city I dont know very well I just walked around until I found a store of some sort. It was getting dark so I was walking fast, and I finally came to a gas station that had a convinence store....without air conditioning. Every single piece of chocolate in that little store was completely melted in its wrapper. So I bought cookies for them instead and a liter of guarana...this little story was just to show how incredibly hot things are here, all day from sun up to sun down. I dont know how people sleep at night in this heat, it amazes me!This is what happens when the stake president loans us the projector to use for the course. We hook it up to our computers and make a little "home theater" in our hotel room...last nights showing, "Pride and Prejudice" That person in the background in their PJ's is me:)
Tomorrow we dont have anything to do for our internship, so hopefully I will get in another hour on the beloved treadmill, and do some homework. I HavE to be better about it, that is the last thing in the world I want to be doing during christmas break, so I will be good about it and do some tomorrow. I also have to replace my luggage that ripped open in the second city we were in...hopefully I can find some for cheap. I hope everyone has a good night and a great friday!


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